
Shake The Bottle...

Wake the Luv!
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Shake The Bottle...

Wake The Luv!
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Our Customers Feel The Luv!

“15 year search is over … simply the best!”

David Mohorko 
David Mohorko

“This is the BEST bloody Mary mix EVER!!!! Thank you.”

Katye Kane Stanzak 
Katye Kane Stanzak

“The regular, spicy, and Caesar are all fantastic. I never liked bloody Mary’s until now. Yum!!!!”

Mary Jo Vanetten 
Mary Jo Vanetten

“I recently tried your mix for the first time and all I can say is “Yum”…. so excited to share the great find with all of my other “Bloody Connoisseur’s”!!! I’ll be spreading the good word around GB like wild fire!”

Laurie Laukka-Store 
Laurie Laukka-Store

“By far the best bloody mary mix I have ever tasted and I have tasted many down here in San Antonio, TX!!! Thanks!”

Eric Ezell 
Eric Ezell

“If you haven’t tried “Jimmy’s Bloody Mary Mix” you do not know what you are missing.. It is the BOMB!!!”

Joni Fitzwater 
Joni Fitzwater

“This bloody mary mix rocks! Got it at Pick ‘N Save Marketplace on Lyon (my friends tell me they haven’t seen it and asked where I got it). New fav!”

Jon 'jc' Cunningham 
Jon 'jc' Cunningham

“Recently I was spreading the good word in San Diego where my Daughter now lives. Today I received via UPS a box of salvation…. three bottles of the Luv from my dear Daughter for Father’s Day. Sweet girl she is. And just in time as I’m down to a couple of bottles here at home.

Anyway you know you have a great product and we’re doing what we can to spread the word.”

John Featherston 
John Featherston


Yort Rewot 
Yort Rewot

“We finished my last bottle of Jimmy Luv today and now I am out, oh the pain. I will be needing more. I absolutely LUV this stuff. It’s the Best Bloody I ever had. Thanks.”

Shelly Krebsbach Severson 
Shelly Krebsbach Severson

The Jimmy Luv's Story

Jimmy Luv is first and foremost, a Bloody Mary lover. As he experimented with his recipe Jimmy’s passion was to develop the best Bloody Mary possible. Once he created the exact mix of ingredients to satisfy his own high taste standards, Jimmy wanted to share his refined blend with anyone that sought a fantastic Bloody Mary.

With Jimmy Luv’s Bloody Mary Mix in hand, all you have to do is… Shake the Bottle, Wake the Luv! Enjoy with friends.

Jimmy Luv’s Recipes

Whether at the bar or in the kitchen, Jimmy Luv’s is your go-to ingredient. Check out our tantalizing cocktails and mouthwatering meals.

